Monday, July 11, 2011

The story of poo

So we went to the zoo in Tacoma.  Not called the Tacoma Zoo; it's the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium.  Hmmm...whatever.  It was cold, cloudy and drizzly. I was in HEAVEN!  (Flying home to ABQ and stepping out into 95 degree weather....not cool)
They have the most awesome exhibit on excrement.  Complete with videos on scat finding dogs, rhino territory marking and dinosaur droppings.  Everything you ever wanted to know about dung, and MORE!
I happen to be a refuse connoisseur. It's really my true artistic medium.
Of course I took photos.
Do these really need captions?

Dung beetle mania!  (Only the smelliest game ev-ah.  Not as addictive as Angry birds, but it may catch on yet.  All it needs is a little PR and someone to boycott it.)

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin' Keep them doggies rollin' Rawhide!
And just because she has yet to make an appearance...I give you.....

Is your day now complete? Can you sleep at night without tossing and turning and wondering what I've been up to?
Hugs all around!!!

Summer Fun

So Besty is blogstress extraordinaire.  She's homes all of 3 hours and already she posts.  I guess I'm just a slacker.   Amir said he missed me and I took too many pictures.  What can I say, I have a very photogenic family and I had to try out my new toy.

Apparently the road in front of grandma's house was the place to be.  Grandpa was in the road, Sean was in the road, Matthew was in the road, I was in the road.  The only thing not in the road was cars.  (Not entirely accurate.  Two tractors and a pickup went by)

This was just so precious
Dirt is the greatest toy EVER!

The nest stop on my adventure was Washington.  I meant to go to Portland, but plans got changed a little.
The following pics are just because I told Amy I was putting them on my blog for posterity.
What is it with this family and tongues?

And now for something completely different......................

As you can see, my family is clinically insane.  Besty's mother-in-law has the coolest sign above her door "Remember, as far as anyone knows we're a nice normal family".
Later my peeps.