I miss my rain. Albuquerque has permanently dried me out. I am a prune of my former self. But occasionally I do get to visit Washington. To see my family, yes. But I can't deny the anticipation of precipitation.
Can you see the mist? The lack of blue sky? Feel the dampness seeping into your bones!
The above by the way is a simply fabulous park; reclaimed from a sand and gravel works. Chambers Creek Regional Park. (I think)
The crew |
The park
Bradys, attaaaaaaaack!
We also spent time at the zoo. The not-Tacoma zoo. In the day we saw animals with Betsy and Co. (It's always better at the Brady's) At night there were zoo-lights. Fun, but cold. The men stayed home in the evening and did whatever men do when they're alone. (It probably involves eating, drinking, sports, T.V, and much grunting I imagine)
Yeah. We're totes adorbs. |
I also got to visit with an old friend from Portland days. It's so lovely when you see old friends and it's like time just hasn't gone by at all. You can pick up right where you left off. Which in my case is very nice, because I am a horrible correspondent. Yikes. Please forgive my negligence you favorite people you. I think about you. I am simply remiss in my affectionate communication obligations.