Its not that
nothing happens in my life...

Amir and I have a new niece. She was born the end of last year, but I neglected to blog. Her name is Aileen and so far she looks just like her dad. (He's in some of the Iran pictures in case you wanted to compare) I love nieces and nephews!!

A conversation Amir and I had when I went to pick him up from work the other day.
Me: Hey Amir, why do you have a box of donuts?
Amir: Because life is hard.
Wisdom from the mouth of Amir. When life gets tough...get donuts.
My dear darling husband surprised me for my birthday. We usually don't do anything big for birthdays, but he gave me dinner and dessert. He made me cry. Love that man!

Amir planted four little tomato seeds. They have taken over his office. This is when the plant was a little smaller. We've gotten, literally, hundreds of cherry tomatoes. They are sweet and delicious. Amir grows where he can. These are in a bucket behind his printer. So you see why I worry when he says he wants to get chickens and keep them in the closet. He may
not be kidding.