Video of Mahmood's house. These are Amir's aunts and uncles on his dad's side. (The ladies are all Amir's dad's sisters. I hope that's clear.) And the younger girl is his dad's neighbor's daughter. (Again, it's as clear as I can make it.) Their neighbors are lovely, by the way. They washed clothes for us and let us use their facilities. So much awesomeness.
I'm sure everyone has romantic notions of bazaars in foreign countries; back alleys, dark rooms, smoke hazy in the air. Yeah no. Most shopping is done in street front stores and stalls. But in Kermanshah they do have an old bazaar. And it was all the middle eastern cliche you could ever want. I only have one picture. (I hang my head in shame.)
Eat your heart out. It was really this cool. |
We also went to visit a great uncle I think it was a great uncle. He has a touch of dementia and he was the cutest thing ever in the universe! His wife was this tiny little spitfire. The uncle kept forgetting our names and telling funny jokes. There was much, much laughter.
Aren't they adorable? |
More lovely people below. The mom reminded me so much of my aunt Julie. The daughter spoke English; very helpful. [I also think she needs to meet my youngest brother. ;) ] I wish we could have spent more time. So many delightful people and not enough time.
Awesome people. |
The old bazaar does look way cool . . . and yes, you should hang your head in shame ;) I love reading about your adventures. Keep 'em coming.