Yeah, its been awhile. I had school. I had finals. I had sickness. And I still have sickness, just another kind. And yes, this is a total ploy for sympathy. I feel bad. LOVE ME!!!
This is Harley and her new summer cut. No more hair. Isn't she cute? She found a bone whilst walking in the park. She carried it all the way home and kept it safe from all the other doggies. Amir said she looked liked a warthog.
I would have a picture here, but Amir neglected to send it to me. The blue truck has been sold. It is no more. It has ceased to be (at our house). The end of an era. Amir hauled sooooo much stuff in that thing. I don't know how many people he helped move.
We still have the tool box, which is quite nice for storing stuff on our porch. If you know anything about where we live, chaining and locking stuff up is the only way to keep it from walking away. I must say, living here makes me thankful for my quiet, uneventful life.
I am also incredibly grateful for family. If you read my sister's blog, you know my grandfather died about a month ago. As funerals go... it was a hoot. Sad yes. But my family puts the fun in funeral! Some of my cousins I hadn't seen in years. Every family has weirdness but, for the most, we all get along. Or pretend we do ;) Its a funny thing, to know there are people out there who you may not see often, or communicate with regularly, but they're always there if you need them.
I would have a picture here, but Amir neglected to send it to me. The blue truck has been sold. It is no more. It has ceased to be (at our house). The end of an era. Amir hauled sooooo much stuff in that thing. I don't know how many people he helped move.
We still have the tool box, which is quite nice for storing stuff on our porch. If you know anything about where we live, chaining and locking stuff up is the only way to keep it from walking away. I must say, living here makes me thankful for my quiet, uneventful life.
I am also incredibly grateful for family. If you read my sister's blog, you know my grandfather died about a month ago. As funerals go... it was a hoot. Sad yes. But my family puts the fun in funeral! Some of my cousins I hadn't seen in years. Every family has weirdness but, for the most, we all get along. Or pretend we do ;) Its a funny thing, to know there are people out there who you may not see often, or communicate with regularly, but they're always there if you need them.
Here's my sympathy for ya: sorry you're sick . . . now get on with it ;) Just kidding. Being sick, schools, final, sick some more is no fun. And I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather - your Mom's dad? Hope things are going better soon.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the sympathy Sharon! I went to work out yesterday with Amir; a friend said "You must be feeling better to work out." I said "No. I'm just doing what I do."
DeleteIt was my dad's dad.
Oh Mollina!! I'm so sorry you're sick. "I heard that you were feeling ill. Fever, headache, and a chill...." Let's just leave that one there. Harley is adorable. I wish it was easier to travel with doggies. I'd love to have her come play with us too. I hope you feel better soon.
ReplyDeleteI am a rather plucky young gal ;)
ReplyDeleteI wish it were easier to travel with dogs too. Maybe we'll move closer someday. Harley likes playing with her doggie friends.