Saturday, September 27, 2014

September stuff

How are people supposed to blog-stock me if I don't post anything?  I don't post mostly because I live a quiet life.  Yey for boring!!
My car decided it would leak radiator fluid-a big puddle of pink goo.  Similar to the slime in an MST3K horror movie.  Yummy!  At least it starts. Which is a whole other story.  (Dead battery. Twice.  Amir had to remove and charge-twice.  Battery is impossible to remove!! It is under the air intake/filer and jammed next to the front tire.  American car manufacturers can go...way down yonder in the corn field!)

You can sort of make out the puddle on the passenger side of the car.
Most of it is under the car.

I must say, I love youtube.  How did anyone know how to do anything before youtube?  Or google?  I am not a do-it-your-selfer, but my husband is. Which is handy (most of the time).  But I am grateful for someone who takes care of my car and motorcycle and plants and is generally an all around wonderful guy. 

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for the car problems. But you're right - how did any of us learn how to do anything before youtube? We probably did a lot of trial and error, mostly error, right?
