Monday, December 1, 2014


A google picture of the blue bear in front of the convention center

Good morning bear
Hello all.  Last week Amir attended his first ALSA (American Society of Landscape Architects) conference in Denver.  Harley and I tagged along-mostly because we could.

Harley and I had a great time.  We took lots of walkies and visited many parks. We also discovered Harley's new passion -squirrels!

This was a park near our hotel. I love the trees.
You can see the remnants of snow. So pretty, but so cold!

This is Harley's preferred position
Denver squirrel, mocking my New Mexico dog.

The biggest park we visited was Cherry Creek State park.  It has one of the largest off leash areas I've ever seen in a park.  According to the brochure, its 107 acres.  Harley was very well behaved and only snapped at one big doggie.  I was also very well behaved and didn't bark at anyone. (For more more info We spent two hours walking and exploring.

The shore of a partially frozen lake

Sunshine on the ice

We climbed butterfly hill.  I don't know why it was called butterfly,
 because it was covered in prairie dogs. Another Harley favorite.
Skyline from butterfly hill

We also visited Washington Park.  Amir went with us to this one. Geese are apparently a major issue at the park.  I include pictures to show you the enormity of the problem.  (Luckily, Harley did not care for geese)

On the lake...
In the fields...

Sorry I did not get a lot of people pics.  You will have to be content with one of Amir and Harley.

I did not go to any of the convention, but I did get to know my way a little bit around Denver.  It would be great, except for the traffic.  Friday evening it took me 15 minutes to drive 1 mile.  Saturday morning, the whole trip took 15 minutes. <<sigh>> All in all Denver was a nice city and we had a lovely visit.


  1. Awe, I miss prairie dogs - they were in abundance in Flagstaff.

    That IS a lot of geese - glad they're not in the parks we play at.

    Glad you were able to go with Amir to Denver. Are you sure you don't want to settle down in the NW? ;)

  2. Beautiful pictures Molly! Did you drive? Is that how you had Harley with you or did she get to fly?

    1. Drove. About 7 hours. Not bad. I don't know how harley would do on a plane.

  3. My US geography skills suck, I thought it would be farther. Cool!
