Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Ok, so i've told people about this video but have never shared.  Please know it is disgusting and not for the faint of heart or stomach. This is from our house in oregon when we first moved in.  Three long haired girls lived in the house before us and apparently, they did not know how to clean a drain.

 Amir's commentary is precious.  This is why i love him.
I would say enjoy...but really....it's just gross.

Monday, June 20, 2011

New and Improved

My mother wanted a blog.  So you get a blog.  This is our first official post.
We went to the botanical gardens Saturday.  Our new favorite place in Albuqueruqe.  probably because it has trees and real grass.

The butterfly pavilion
I will get more pics and be more diligent than facebook....maybe.
Enjoy all ye who enter here.