Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Bisitoon 2

Because I promised, more from Bisitoon

Taken on the road to 'Bisotun'.  That may be how you spell it, but it's not how people pronounce it.
Amir the Persian mountain goat.  
Fatimeh, the other goat.
These are ruins of something.  We kept asking and no one seemed to know what they were.

This and the one below are two different views of the same caravan.  We didn't get to go inside.  But it was neat looking so I had to take pictures.

  So this is a huge section of the mountain that has been carved flat.  It actually has a legend attached with it.  There's a beautiful princess named Shirin.(Of course she's beautiful.  Did you ever hear a story about the fat, ordinary, dimwitted or plain princess?) Anyway, a man named Farhad falls madly in love with her, but can't marry her. (I don't know why.  I'm a little fuzzy on the details) So the king says, in order to marry her, Farhad has to carve the mountain flat.  So off he goes to carve for his true love. Now, depending on who tells the story Farhad ends up dying from his labors or the king lies and says Shirin is dead so Farhad throws himself off the mountain.  Either way he dies tragically never getting to marry his pretty princess.  
  But the rock really is carved.  And it's HUGE.  Amir down there gives you a little perspective.

There's a spring at the base of the mountain that's been enclosed into a pool.  There's also a small park.  In the summer, the pool would be way tempting.  As it was, it was beautiful, but sooooooo cold.

Molly, Fatimeh, Leila and Mohsen.
The videos are a panorama and the drive to Bisitoon from Kangavar.  Yeah, I need to slow my panning shots.  Again people, I'm not a professional.  (It was also way windy and I was standing on a not so steady rock.)

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